Tips To Move With A Senior Cat

If you need to move from one house to another, then you probably are well aware that you need to pack your items and arrange your furniture for moving day. Hiring a local moving company can help immensely to make moving day as easy as possible. However, if you have pets, then the stress of the move may be overwhelming. This is especially true if you have a senior cat. Senior cats are far less adaptable to changes of environment. If you want to make sure that your cat remains healthy and happy during your move, then follow the tips below.

Boost The Immune System Early

Senior cats often have impaired immune systems. Specifically, old age reduces the ability of the immune system to fight off diseases and infections. Also, older cats tend to have chronic diseases that start to wear down the immune system over time. Unfortunately, the stress of a move can further cause immune function to reduce. This may leave your cat susceptible to viral and bacterial infections during the move. While it is best to reduce stress as much as possible, you should also think about boosting your cat's immune system so the move has less of a physical effect on his or her body.

Proper Nutrition

You can boost the immune system by making sure that you provide optimal nutrition. Cats should eat foods that are high in animal protein. Certain proteins have been linked to good immune function. Salmon and chicken in particularly have these proteins. Fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids that help to encourage immune, heart, and circulatory health. This means that you should think about feeding your cat chicken and fish varieties of food for several weeks both before and after the move. Also, wet foods are going to contain the most protein, so think about picking these products over dry ones.

The wet foods contain a good deal of water too, and older cats typically need more water to support the immune system and to fend off dehydration. Water can also help to reduce urinary issues like the formation of bladder stones. These stones commonly occur in older cats, and they also appear when a cat is stressed.

Set Up A Quiet Space

Senior cats will become incredibly stressed when the environment is changed drastically, and this stress can be compounded by the presence of movers in both the old and new home. In some cases, your cat may decide to flee the house to get away from the stress. While most cats are likely to come back home when they feel as though they are safe, senior cats do not always come back. These cats can become disorientated, and they often find it difficult to locate the new home. In some cases, older cats lose cognitive function and cannot even navigate around familiar areas well. Since older cats also cannot hunt as well as younger cats, an outside adventure may be quite hazardous to your cat's well being.

Consider A Bedroom

To prevent your cat from running away, consider setting up a quiet area in your new home where your cat can hide away from the noise created by the movers. A bedroom closet that is away from the main part of the home may be best. If possible, hang a few items that you have worn in the closet so your cat can detect the familiar scent. Set your cat's bed in the closet too with toys and other items that may be familiar.

About two hours before your move, bring your cat to the new home and into the bedroom you have chosen. Set up a litter box, food dish, and water bowl in the room. Close the door to the room and continue the moving process. Consider unpacking some familiar things that include furniture items, rugs, and other items that may contain your cat's scent. After you do this and the movers have left for an hour or more, open the bedroom door. Do not force your cat to venture out though or this may increase the stress of the situation. He will likely come out on his own and start to explore the new house cautiously. 

If you're planning on hiring a professional company, check out a couple of site to find more info on local companies. 
